Chelsea Sodaro Q+A with WYN republic
WYN republic had the opportunity to delve into the world of Ironman World Champion and WYN triathlete, Chelsea Sodaro, about topics regarding triathlon, training, and the journey of being a professional athlete. Find our Q+A with Chelsea below!
WYN republic: How many hours a week do you train on average?
Chelsea: 25-30hrs
WYN republic: What is your go to pre-race dinner and breakfast?
Chelsea: Dinner the night before includes chicken, white rice, and avocado (so boring!). Breakfast consists of overnight oats, protein powder, almond butter and coffee!
WYN republic: How has becoming a mom shaped your training and racing compared to pre-mom life?
Chelsea: Pursuing professional sport at the highest level can be a very selfish life. And I think bringing a child into the world is one of the most selfless acts a person can do. Life now is a lot busier, but also more rewarding. I often feel like I'm running a million miles an hour, but I also have a lot more appreciation for my job and what I get to do for a living. I don't have very much free/alone time any more, and that can feel challenging and exhausting at times. But my daughter gives me perspective. I think that I'm more resilient and able to embrace challenges in training, racing, and life.
WYN republic: What is your favorite workout and your most daunting type of workout?
Chelsea: 8 x 1K w/ 200 jog on the run is my favorite workout and Vo2 max sessions on the bike are my most daunting workout. They always hurt, even when you're super fit!
WYN republic: What is your favorite book? Podcast? Pump up song?
Chelsea: Book: Man's Search For Meaning Podcast: How I Built This Song: Maniac (Flashdance Version) - Skye and I like to jam to this in the morning before I head out for training!
WYN republic: What has been your favorite swim course, bike course, and run course to date?
Chelsea: I love Kona. I've always loved training there and now I have super special memories of every inch of it! It's the most iconic course in triathlon. :)
WYN republic: What kind of legacy do you hope to leave in sport?
Chelsea: I don't think very much about legacy. I'm still very much in the thick of my career. If anything, I'd like to help make the sport more accessible for female athletes. Especially on the professional side. I'm really proud to work with partners that value female athletes. I hope that I'm contributing to positive change by advocating for maternity protection and fair and equitable support for the women's side of the sport.
WYN republic: Who or what inspires you?
Chelsea: My daughter inspires me to be the best, fiercest version of myself. A part of me is always fighting for her on and off the race course.
WYN republic: Last but not least, what's your favorite WYN item?
Chelsea: Luceo 2.0 bibs. So plush!
We hope you enjoyed learning a little more about WYN triathlete and Ironman World Champion, Chelsea Sodaro! For more exciting updates and to keep up with Chelsea's adventures and future races, follow her on Instagram @chelseasodaro! And while you're at it, don't forget to hit that 'Follow' button for @wynrepublic to stay in the loop with our extraordinary professional athletes and to be the first to know about our latest releases for triathlon, cycling, and running gear! 🏊♂️🚴♂️🏃♀️