Braden Currie Q&A with WYN republic
Meet Braden Currie – WYN republic athlete, professional Ironman, dad, and adventurer at heart. With an incredible record of 92 endurance events under his belt, including 51 wins and 72 podium finishes, Braden's journey as a professional triathlete is nothing short of awe-inspiring! In this Q+A session, we dive into Braden's world, exploring his journey, his training regimen, and the passion that fuels his every stride.
WYN republic: What is your go to pre-race dinner? Breakfast?
Braden: For dinner, I normally go with salmon or BBQ chicken, roast veggies, and a salad. For breakfast I have a non-dairy protein peanut butter chocolate smoothie and 2 bits of toast with avocado and marmite.
WYN republic: How many hours on average do you train per week?
Braden: 25-30 hours
WYN republic: How does being a dad shape your training and racing compared to pre-dad life?
Braden: I can’t remember what pre-dad life was like. I had Tarn when I was 21. I wasn’t an athlete then. I don't think I would have become a professional athlete if I didn’t have kids. It’s given me a great purpose and sense of commitment to both being a dad and being an athlete and making life happen.
WYN republic: What is your favorite and most daunting type of workout?
Braden: JR 'John Rogers' super Saturday swim sessions for both my favorite and most daunting type of workout.
WYN republic: What is your favorite book? Podcast? Pump up song?
Braden: Book - The alchemist. Podcast - David Goggins/Joe Rogan. Song - Fisher "Year The Girls"
WYN republic: What has been your favorite swim, bike, and run course to date?
Braden: Swim - XTERRA World champs Maui in a super swell. Bike - Ironman Cairns. Run - Kona
WYN republic: What kind of legacy do you hope to leave in sport?
Braden: Being the best in the world and having a good time doing it.
WYN republic: Who or what inspires you?
Braden: JR, my kids, Luke McKenzie :), my wife
WYN republic: What's your favorite WYN item?
Braden: Luceo Aero tri suit